Lisa L Wiersema is a native of Sterling, IL. She graduated from Sterling High School in 1979, attended Sauk Valley Community College, but decided raising a family was more important at that time. She graduated from Sauk Valley Community College as a non- traditional student 25 years later, and went on to receive her B.S. in Business Management from Ashford University in 2008.
Lisa is on the Sauk Valley Community College Board and the liason for the SVCC Foundation. She is a charter member of the Professional Women’s Network and a Sunday School teacher at Bethel Reformed Church. She is a former board member of the Milledgeville Park District, former president of the Milledgeville Parent/Teacher Association and Fine Arts Association.
Lisa and her husband, Mark, have owned Wiersema Waste Service, a waste removal business, for 20 years and are celebrating 40 years of marriage this month as well. They have 3 sons, two daughter-in-laws, and two grandchildren.