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How to Apply
Fill out general application – make sure to include transcripts or other supporting documents. Make sure to answer all parts of the application even if you feel they don’t apply to you. Once completed any scholarships you are eligible for will show up on your dashboard asking you to “Complete Followup”.
Scholarships are available at various times throughout the school year and will only show up on your dashboard at that time. You will not be able to submit after the due date shown on the scholarship.
Notification of award or denial will be through your student email. If you receive an award you will need to check your dashboard on Award Spring to find out what tasks you need to complete prior to actual receipt of funds on your student account. All awards require a thank you letter which will be shared with the donor.
In addition to a variety of privately funded scholarships available directly through the Foundation, there are a number of external awards you may apply to throughout the year directly through the SVCC Financial Assistance Office.
While students are not currently required to complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Student Aid) to qualify for privately-funded Foundation scholarships, students must submit a FAFSA to be considered for state or federal grants, scholarships or student loans. Visit the Financial Assistance page or the Federal Student Aid website.
When are scholarship applications accepted?
Applications are accepted any time, but scholarships are added throughout the year as they are received from donors. Students are advised to put a reminder on their calendar or phone to check Award Spring the first of each month to see if there are any new opportunities.
Which scholarships are best for me?
When you apply, students are automatically matched to all scholarships for which they qualify.
Do I need to do anything else once I have filled out the general application?
You will need to submit the follow up which is usually an essay, but may include letters of recommendation, or proof of service in the military. These items must be received prior to the due date or you will not be eligible.
What is the deadline to apply for scholarships I am eligible for?
Specific scholarships may have different due dates which are shown on the dashboard.
Do I have to be registered at Sauk to apply?
You must have a Sauk email account in order to log on to the Award Spring scholarship site. You must be registered and attending class prior to awards being applied to your student account. Awards will be added after the add / drop deadline each semester.
If I have money left at the end of the school year can I take it with me if I transfer to another school?
Awards must be used during your time at Sauk, any leftover funds will be returned to the Sauk Valley College Foundation.
If I have money left at the end of the school year, can I use it for the following year?
Scholarships are to be used for the school year awarded (Ex. fall 2022, spring 2023 and summer 2023 semesters) and will not roll to the next year without prior approval from the Foundation.
What can scholarship funds be used for?
Typically, funds are placed on the students account to be used for tuition, books, fees, and class supplies. Other expenses, such as computers or travel expenses, may be reimbursed with prior approval from the Foundation and paid receipts.
When and how are scholarship awards announced?
Emails will be sent for both awards and denials within one month of the scholarship deadline date
Jade Martinez
With this award you have granted me, I am that much closer to accomplishing my goal.

Johnel Nual
This scholarship has also brought me one semester closer to my dreams of becoming a nurse.